Standard delivery will arrive within 7 to 10 days, following compliance and credit card authorization. Delivery occurs Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. Orders placed by 5:00 PM Pacific Time will ship the next business day, pending compliance and credit card verification. Express shipping is not available for Saturday or Sunday deliveries. Double Diamond does not ship on major holidays or weekends.
In cases of extreme weather conditions (i.e., heat and/or cold), Double Diamond reserves the right to delay the release of shipments to ensure the highest quality of products at the time of arrival. During the summer, orders are shipped Monday through Wednesday, in order to ensure that your wine arrives with limited exposure to heat. All orders placed between Wednesday afternoon and Sunday will ship on the following Monday. It is our recommendation, that during summer months, customers add Cool Packs to their order and upgrade to 2-Day Air. If you have questions about which shipping method to use, please contact us at 707-942-1540.